Thursday, 30 April 2015

God is not a respecter of persons

Acts 10:34-35,
Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
God is not a respecter of persons. Otherwise, this would have caused one person to be more favored than the other. God will not decide that you be poor while your brother be rich; there is no such thing. God did not predetermine who will be rich or poor; all He did is that he gave us all spiritual principles or laws which determine the outcome based on practice.

Christians determine what they become based on scriptural principles. It is your choice to implement the laws of poverty and become poor or live by the laws of prosperity and become prosperous. No devil can hinder you from prospering.

There is this other lie of, “all fingers are not equal”. This falsehood has no scriptural basis. It is the philosophy of man and cannot be applied to a child of God. “All fingers are not equal”, is a statement of fact but not the truth in accordance with God’s word.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Avoid Competition by Dr. Paul Enenche


If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, that he who loveth God love his brother also. - 1 John 4:20-21

Competition equals limitation. You can never be who you are meant to be as long as you are struggling to become like another person. You cannot become who you are meant to become since your major focus is to undo, overdo, or outdo somebody. Competitive attitude will say, ‘Paint your face black, I will paint my own purple. Send your children to an American school, I will send my own to a British school.’ It is of no use.

The presence of strife is the absence of God. The presence of strife equals the presence of hatred because you don’t strive with somebody you love. So, any man that dwells in the realm of strife, hatred and competitive jealousy has eliminated God from his life because God is love (1 John 4:8). Love can never be where hate is. Love can never be found where strife is. Beloved, deliver yourself from strife; it is a killer of joy. For as long as you are in the realm of bitterness and jealousy, it will kill your joy and joy is necessary for destiny. Therefore, struggle only to be what God wants you to be, not what another person is, and do not struggle to achieve what another person is striving to achieve.

Remember this: You can never be who you are meant to be as long as you are struggling to become like another person.

1. Find out what the Word of God says concerning you.
2. Repeat them to yourself every day.


PRAYER: Lord, I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Therefore, I refuse to strive with others in Jesus’ Name.

DAILY READING: Morning: Acts 26-28 Evening: Prov.13:13-25
QUOTE: The closer you get to God, the more secured your life will be. The farther you move away from God, the more vulnerable your life and destiny will be. Culled from 15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL by Dr Paul Enenche.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Eternity Series: What Really Matters in Life?

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Ps 90:12

Settle down and find out what really matters in life. I have a clue for you. What really matters in life is what will matter when time is no more.

For instance if you are told that you have only 24 hours left to live, what will you do with the last 24 hours of your life on earth? Would you want to go and get a haircut, buy the latest suit, go to the stadium and watch your famous football team, watch the best movie that you have not yet watched, or fix the latest hair extension? What will you do with your last 24 hours, if you were given the opportunity?

I believe that you would want to be intact with God and get lost in Him. You would want to make any deposit that you have not yet made in eternity; you would want to win your last soul; you would want to reconcile with anybody you have quarrelled with, you would like to make sure that your life is clean; you would like to make sure that you do the things that matter.

My counsel to you is- that thing that you will do in the last 24 hours of your life, do it now because one day, you will have only 24 hours left. What will matter when time is no more is what matters now that you have time.
One of the challenges of our generation is that people don’t like to hear the truth. In Church if the pastor says, ‘You shall succeed,’ everybody will shout Amen! If he says, ‘Whether you are a Christian or not, prosper!’ people will shout amen! But the proof of love is truth; the person who hates you will hide the truth from you. Brethren, the truth is that what matters now is what will matter within your last 24 hours on earth; settle down now and find out what really matters in life.
Remember this: What matters now is what will matter within your last 24 hours on earth.

1. Those things that you would do if you had only 24 hours left to live, do them now!


PRAYER: Lord, I receive help to make sure that my relationship with you is intact in Jesus Name.

: Morning: Lev.19-21 Evening: Prov.16:17-33

QUOTE: Who you live for determines who you live with in eternity-Culled from REASON FOR LIVING by Dr Paul Enenche.


Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Sharpen Yourself: By Dr. Paul Enenche

SCRIPTURE: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isa 40:31

One of the ways through which any child of God can sharpen him or herself is by periodic fasting and prayer.

Take three days or seven days and wait on the Lord with fasting; you may drink only water or something and just wait on the Lord.

When you do so, there is accelerated work because you (the axe head) are fully available for the Master’s use. Watchman Nee calls it the release of the spirit. Anytime you begin to deal with the flesh in fasting, you are releasing the spirit. The flesh is deadened and the spirit is made fully available for God to do any work He wants to do. The sharpest people I know are people who either know how to fast or live a fasted life. Kenneth Hagin said that he lived a fasted life. Sunday Adelaja, the man that God raised up and used to set Ukraine on fire, spent ten full years generating fire; seven days of the week, from the 1st to 7th, he neither ate food nor saw anybody. Many people look at him and say, ‘this man is lucky oh, he went to Ukraine and the whole land opened to him.’ He is not lucky, he is ‘worky.’ Find out how to achieve that luck, find out the work involved in the luck. When we began this ministry, every month, my wife would take me to a hotel and lock me in there for days, for an encounter with God. Dedicate a minimum of once every week to take a consecrational day of fasting to sharpen your spirit; not that you are going to ask for anything, just donate yourself to God to sharpen you. For over 12 years now, we have never entered any year carelessly. The last 7 days of December, including Christmas is not spent at home. I usually go to wait on the Lord to find out the agenda for the coming year. Sharpen yourself, come out with fire; let people see you with a consistently constant spiritual temperature.
Remember this: Anytime you begin to deal with the flesh in fasting, you are releasing the spirit

1. Make sure that you fast at least once a week.
2. Combine fasting with Word study and prayer for it to be more effective.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to live a fasted life in the Name of Jesus.

DAILY READING: Morning: Lev.5-8 Evening: Prov.14:19-35

QUOTE: When your height exceeds your depth, then your future is absent; it collapses inevitably-Culled from THOU ART MY BATTLE AXE by Dr Paul Enenche.

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Friday, 10 April 2015

Televangelist Creflo Dollar wants $65 million jet… and needs your help!

HOW much does it cost to preach the gospel to the world? One televangelist will argue that the exact price is $65 million…and that is just the cost of the private jet without fuel. What?!

Creflo Dollar, the founder and lead pastor of World Changers Church International, is campaigning to raise money for a private jet. He has a good reason to be on the market for a new plane; Dollar and his crew were recently involved in a near-tragedy when one of the engines failed in the televangelist’s current jet, a 1984 model. The expert pilot was able to land the aircraft safely, and there were no injuries in the incident.

The fact that Dollar needs a new jet does not have people riled, it’s the one he picked out.

According to Bloomberg, the Gulfstream G650 is not just any plane, but “the holy grail of private jets.” The G650, which holds between 11 and 18 passengers, can reach speeds of 610 mph and has a 7,000 mile range before needing fuel. Millionaires have been put on a waiting list to get one…So it seems like just the aircraft a pastor needs to spread the Word, right?

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Lot had the land but Abraham got the promise!

Genesis 13:14, ‘And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: …for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever.’

LOT chose what pleased him and got what he desired. He chose for himself, and he’d be responsible for the consequences of his action. On the other hand, Abram let God choose things for him. While Lot got the land, Abram got the promise.

Lot lost what he chose; He had to flee from the land of his choice. Abram became Abraham, the father of nations and the father of the faithful.

Inadvertently, Lot fell into sin against God with his daughters. Abraham believed in the Lord, and He accounted to him for righteousness. Lot’s descendants forever stand against God. Abraham’s descendants are waiting on the Lord for the fulfillment of the promise.

When did God reiterate His promise to Abram? When Lot had separated from him. What is it that you need to separate yourself from, today to claim your promises in Christ? Think and evaluate.


Where There Is No Vision The People Perish

By Dr. Tom Malone, Sr. Preached at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Pontiac, Michigan, and published in the sermon book,

"The Wisdom of Soul Winning" by Sword of the Lord Publishers.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. "-Proverbs 29:18.

I think this text, like many in the Bible, is sometimes used incorrectly. "Where there is no vision, the people perish." When we come to read a text from the Bible, it is always good to see exactly what God is talking about.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish." In the first place, the word "vision" used here has to do with the Word of God. Where there is no Word of God, where there is no message of life, the people perish, is the primary interpretation of this passage. 

This passage is used just in that manner in other places in the Bible. For instance, in I Samuel 3:1 we read, "The word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision." You remember in the Old Testament God sometimes spoke audibly. God does not speak audibly today. I believe when John was on the Isle of Patmos, God gave the book of the Revelation. His Revelation was complete to mankind. God does not speak audibly today. He speaks through His Word. All that God has to say to us, He says through this blessed Book-the Bible. There was a day, intermittently in the history of man, in which God spoke audibly to people. We read, "The word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision." God was not speaking audibly at that time. I read in Lamentations 2:9, ".her prophets also find no vision from the Lord," that is, no message from God. 

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Thursday, 9 April 2015

Don’t be tempted to follow the crowd: Billy Graham

Billy Graham
QUESTION: I admit I often get in trouble because I let myself get talked into going along with the crowd, even when I know what they’re doing is wrong. Why can’t I ever say no? I wish I wasn’t such a weak person. — K.H.

ANSWER: As you’ve discovered, going along with the crowd is seldom wise and will easily lead you astray (even if the “crowd” is only one other person). This is why the Bible bluntly warns, “Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers” (Proverbs 4:14).

Have you ever asked yourself why you give in so easily to the crowd’s pressure? Only you can answer this, of course, but I suspect the main reason is because you don’t want them to reject you or make fun of you. Instead, you want to be accepted and liked, and the best way to do this (you think) is to agree with them and go along with whatever they’re doing. To put it another way, you yearn for their friendship. But what kind of “friends” are they if they constantly get you in trouble and don’t care what happens to you?

Instead, I urge you to find a new friend – and that friend is Jesus. He loves you, and (unlike your present “friends”) He deeply cares what happens to you. He loves you so much that He gave His life for you, so you could be with Him in heaven forever. By a simple prayer of faith confess your sins to Him and ask Him to come into your life.

Then ask Him to help you find new friends – those who love Christ and will help you grow in your faith. Above all, make it your goal to please Christ, and not the crowd.



With Faith Oyedepo

Dear Reader,

Happy Easter to you in Jesus’ Name! When Jesus rose from the dead, it was a time of joy for His disciples. They had seen the fulfilment of prophecy. Their long-awaited dreams had come to pass at last. That shall be your portion this Easter season, in Jesus’ Name.

I am glad to inform you that God cares about you. He wants you and your family to succeed. Throughout this month, I will be taking you through a topic which I titled: Right Character for right marriage.

God wills that you succeed in your marital life, but there are vices you need to guard against. It is based on this that I will be pointing out some of these vices and how to combat them, in order to reap the joy and blessings of marriage.

Many times as two grown up individuals matured in age and mind, ready for marriage, come together to start a family, there are deceptive thoughts that cross their minds, making them feel that marriage is the solution to all their problems.

A young girl with nagging parents and accommodation problems may feel it is an escape route from her troublesome circumstances. A lady with financial problems may feel marrying a rich man will solve her battle with the forces of poverty. To a man, he may feel marriage will solve his problem of having to get a cook or someone to clean the house or it will earn him that promotion he has been long awaiting for in his office. Besides, some believe that marriage will help them to solve their problems of irresponsibility. Despite these ideas, marriage does not automatically lift a man above the works of the flesh, “the vices of the flesh.” Yielding to the flesh or wrong attitudes account for the heartache many families are still experiencing in their homes today. The Scripture says: Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like… (Galatians 5:19-21).

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Wednesday, 8 April 2015


Heaven on Earth greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.
No doubt, the seed of the mystery of faith has been sown into many of us in the month of March and as the Lord lives, this shall result in the reality of Heaven on Earth in our lives for all to see in Jesus’ name. Amen

However, God has ordained that every winner be endued with the powers of the world to come this year, that is, a manifestation of the multifaceted power of the Holy Spirit. Remember, there is one God, one faith, one Spirit and one baptism – Heb. 6:5/ Eph. 4:4-5.
But from scriptures, among other things, we understand that the Holy Ghost has a mission to empower the saints into realms of exploits (Is. 45:1-3/ Is. 61:3-7).

We have also discovered that:
  • The Holy Ghost will always answer to the genuine thirst of believers (Is. 41:17-21/ Jn. 7:37-39)
  • It is not enough to be filled with the Holy Ghost; we must continue to be refilled (Acts 2:1-4/ Acts 4:30-33).
  • We must continue to crave for the new wine (Lk. 5:38-39).
  • We must also continue to seek after the fresh oil (Ps. 92:10-15).
  • But encounter with the power of God comes mostly through prayer and fasting (Lk. 11:13/ Lk. 4:1-14/ Ps. 63:1-3)
  • The Holy Ghost has proved to be our guaranteed access to a world of exploits (Is. 45:1-13/ Is. 61:1-7)
Therefore, the prophetic theme for the month of April 2015 is:
In all our services this month we shall be looking at the person, the power and the ministry of the Holy Ghost. I strongly believe that every area of concern around any winner’s life shall be turned into testimonies by the power of God this month. This new month shall be a turnaround month for all Winners worldwide in Jesus’ name. Amen
Recommended books of the month authored by David O. Oyedepo include:
  • Anointing for Breakthrough
  • Understanding the Anointing
  • Anointing for Exploits
  • Release of Power
We must all get set to experience the power of God in a new dimension in this great resurrection month. Amen and Amen
Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo

Tuesday, 7 April 2015


We live in a kingdom that runs on mysteries. Mark 4:11. Every issue in the kingdom is a mystery and every mystery you engage confers mastery on you in that area. And gratitude is a spiritual force that empowers you to scale higher. You can’t change to higher level without it.

These seven keys are a must for every Christian: 
1. Thanksgiving paves the way for fresh impact
Every time you give genuine thanksgiving fresh oil for fresh impact comes on you. You never run dry with constant thanksgiving (Ps 89:20-24)
2. It is the key to your supernatural victories
Every child of God carries enviable future/destiny that attracts combat from the enemy. Gratitude passes your battle to God and you wouldn’t need to fight to win the battle. (2 Chro 20:22-24)
3. Multiplication answers to gratitude
Every blessing (finance, healing, peace, grace, etc.) multiplies at the instance of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the mystery behind scaling unusual heights. (John 6:6-13)
4. Thanksgiving establishes you in the house of God.
It is the mystery behind your sustainability in the kingdom of God. The grateful are never offended. (Psa 92:13)
5. Sustainable fruitfulness
When you always give God thanks, your life will never lose value. (Psa 92:14)
Other tit bits on why you must give thanks
A. The breath in your nostrils has its root in God. (Psa 150:6)
B. Every good thing in your life has its source in God. (James 1:17)
C. A man can receive nothing except it be given him from above. (John 3:27)
D. Everything people marvel at in your life is the Lord’s doing. (Psa 118:23)
E. By strength shall no man prevail. (Rom 9:16)

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