Wednesday 8 April 2015


Heaven on Earth greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.
No doubt, the seed of the mystery of faith has been sown into many of us in the month of March and as the Lord lives, this shall result in the reality of Heaven on Earth in our lives for all to see in Jesus’ name. Amen

However, God has ordained that every winner be endued with the powers of the world to come this year, that is, a manifestation of the multifaceted power of the Holy Spirit. Remember, there is one God, one faith, one Spirit and one baptism – Heb. 6:5/ Eph. 4:4-5.
But from scriptures, among other things, we understand that the Holy Ghost has a mission to empower the saints into realms of exploits (Is. 45:1-3/ Is. 61:3-7).

We have also discovered that:
  • The Holy Ghost will always answer to the genuine thirst of believers (Is. 41:17-21/ Jn. 7:37-39)
  • It is not enough to be filled with the Holy Ghost; we must continue to be refilled (Acts 2:1-4/ Acts 4:30-33).
  • We must continue to crave for the new wine (Lk. 5:38-39).
  • We must also continue to seek after the fresh oil (Ps. 92:10-15).
  • But encounter with the power of God comes mostly through prayer and fasting (Lk. 11:13/ Lk. 4:1-14/ Ps. 63:1-3)
  • The Holy Ghost has proved to be our guaranteed access to a world of exploits (Is. 45:1-13/ Is. 61:1-7)
Therefore, the prophetic theme for the month of April 2015 is:
In all our services this month we shall be looking at the person, the power and the ministry of the Holy Ghost. I strongly believe that every area of concern around any winner’s life shall be turned into testimonies by the power of God this month. This new month shall be a turnaround month for all Winners worldwide in Jesus’ name. Amen
Recommended books of the month authored by David O. Oyedepo include:
  • Anointing for Breakthrough
  • Understanding the Anointing
  • Anointing for Exploits
  • Release of Power
We must all get set to experience the power of God in a new dimension in this great resurrection month. Amen and Amen
Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo

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