Sunday 25 September 2016


Every issue of shame in or around your life is overturned for glory in the name of Jesus!

I see the glory of God find expression in your life in the name of Jesus!
I decree every closed door to be open in the name of Jesus!
Every form of spiritual blindness or deafness is destroyed in Jesus’ name!...
I pray that you will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in order to get to your high places in the name of Jesus!
From today, no one will see your sweat!
Henceforth, tension is out of your life in the name of Jesus!
For every delay you have suffered, I see speed coming your way!
Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life!
Your will experience an open breakthrough and all your mockers shall see it, and rejoice with you!
You may still be in captivity but you will experience a change of story!
Delay is no longer accommodated in your life!
This week, there shall be harvest of restoration testimonies in the name of Jesus!
Your runaway spouse is returning home!
I decree restoration to that battered family, business and career in the name of Jesus!

Listen: Refuse to close your case because even though your time may have passed, God extends time!

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